Things not quite working out the way you want them to? Searching where you want to go in life?

Quieting the Storm

With your motivation to change things that are not working, I know I can help you to quiet the storm and find new strategies to rebuild your future. Whether you are in a transition, seeking or pursuing a new career path or goals, struggling with your self-esteem, your stress level or other strong emotions, seeking connection with others or in a relationship that is not going as well as you had hoped - I can help.

My biggest passion, the thing that I emphasize the most in therapy sessions, is to help you gain a better, more harmonious relationship with yourself so you can enhance the relationship you have with others. All relationships start with you. If you feel better about yourself, your responses to others will change, and those relationships will improve.

When we befriend and heal the parts of ourselves that keep getting triggered versus attempting to repress, get rid of or project these feelings onto others, change starts to occur. We are no longer as reactive. Our anxiety begins to fall away as we no longer need to be as self-protective. What emerges is a stronger version of ourselves, confident that we can make a difference in our world.

If this sounds interesting to you...

Schedule your free 15 minute phone consultation by contacting Gail Garwood by going to the "Get in Touch" tab on this website. She will get back to you regarding scheduling your 15-minute consultation.

"How to Get the Most out of Individual Counseling"