Avoid This Common BIG Mistake When Trying to Feel Better
In trying to feel better people make one BIG mistake. When trying to feel better, people exile parts of themselves. They attempt to disown or repress their troublesome feelings. They say to themselves (or perhaps to others). “I feel sad. I don’t want to feel sad.” “I don’t want to feel (fill in the blank)…
Read MoreYou Can’t Get There From Here
There are many people who think that the way to mental health is to get rid of difficult to handle parts of themselves. They say, “I hate feeling sad.” Or, “I hate being scared all of the time.” At first glance, I totally get it. These emotions get in the way of feeling your best…
Read MoreHow I work in Individual Therapy
My hypothesis: Our reaction to what is triggered in us is the main cause of conflict or problems with others. Strong internal reactions get in the way of accomplishing what we want in life and from connecting with others in the way we want. We try to repress, get rid of parts of ourselves, those…
Read MoreHow I work with individuals who are part of a couple
What if I told you that relationships go through predictable stages and even working with one person in the couple in individual therapy can help you navigate even the most difficult issues that you are facing? People often wait until they have been mired in their conflict or problems for years before they reach out…
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Create your dream with yourself and in relationship. Remove obstacles to living your life with more joy! If you are seeking deep fundamental change, and are seeking the tools to make change a reality call me at 319-332-2055.
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